In this article, we will learn how to create Random Box Maze in Grasshopper.
Model Images

The top four images are from Grasshopper.

The top four images show the model exported on Rhinoceros.

The image above shows the final rendering.
Due to the amount of programming, we will not provide a detailed explanation at this time.
Therefore, we recommend that you look at the Grasshopper recipe images placed below or download the data to check it out.
Click here to download the Grasshopper file
Please refer to the Terms of Use regarding the use of downloadable data.
Grasshopper recipe
①Rectangle ②Surface ③Divide Domain² ④Isotrim ⑤List Length ⑥Construct Domain ⑦Random ⑧Brep Wireframe ⑨Curve Middle ⑩Cull Duplicates ⑪List Item ⑬Explode ⑬Merge ⑭Closest Points ⑮Integer ⑯Sort List ⑰Equality ⑱Dispatch ⑲Point ⑳Closest Point ㉑Join Curves ㉒Negative ㉓Offset Curve ㉔Ruled Surface ㉕Unit Z ㉖Extrude ㉗Center Box ㉘Solid Difference

Note : About Cull Duplicates
There are multiple Cull Duplicates in this programming.

Cull Duplicates allows you to make some settings by right-clicking.
In this programming, these are set to either Leave One or Cull All.

To check whether it is set to either one, please look at the letters displayed below Cull Duplicates.