[Grasshopper] Math Art using Circles [Data download available]

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In this article, we will learn how to create math art using circles in Grasshopper.

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Model Images

Model Image1
Model Image2
Model Image3
Model Image4
Model Image5
Model Image6

The top six images are from Grasshopper.

Model Image7
Model Image8
Model Image9

The top three images show the model exported on Rhinoceros.


The image above shows the final rendering.

Due to the amount of programming, we will not provide a detailed explanation at this time.

Therefore, we recommend that you look at the video, the Grasshopper recipe images placed below or download the data to check it out.

We will explain later on how to use the programming.

Click here to download the Grasshopper file

Please refer to the Terms of Use regarding the use of downloadable data.

Grasshopper recipe

①Ellipse ②Area ③Series ④Scale ⑤Division ⑥Graph Mapper ⑦Negative ⑧Construct Domain ⑨Bounds ⑩Remap Numbers ⑪XY Plane ⑫XZ Plane ⑬YZ Plane ⑭Rotate ⑮Loft ⑯Brep Wireframe ⑰Cull Index ⑱Offset Surface ⑲Ruled Surface ⑳Brep Join

Grasshopper recipe1
Click to zoom
Grasshopper recipe2
Click to zoom

How to use the Programming

We will explain how to use the Programming.


By changing the numerical value of the Ellipse, you can change the size of the reference circle or make it an ellipse.

Circle number

By changing the value of the Series(N), you can change the spacing of the circles.

By changing the value of the Series(C), you can change the number of circles.


By changing the shape of the graph in the Graph Mapper, you can change the shape of the wave.


By changing the values connected to the Construct Domain and the Negative, you can change the angles in the three directions.


By changing the numerical value connected to the Negative, you can change the thickness value.


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