This article describes how to design randomly wavy louvers like wood surfaces using Grasshopper.
Model Images

The top three images are from Grasshopper.

The top three images show the model exported on Rhinoceros.

The image above shows the final rendering.
Due to the amount of programming, this article does not explain programming.
Therefore, if you want to know more details, we recommend that you look at the Grasshopper recipe image to be placed below or download the data for review.
Click here to download the Grasshopper file
Please refer to the Terms of Use regarding the use of downloadable data.
Grasshopper recipe
①Rectangle ②Surface ③Divide Domain² ④Isotrim ⑤Area ⑥Circle ⑦Division ⑧Addition ⑨Series ⑩Unit Z ⑪Move ⑫Graph Mapper ⑬Bounds ⑭Construct Domain ⑮Remap Numbers ⑯Scale ⑰Flip Matrix ⑱List Item ⑲Loft ⑳Surface Split ㉑Brep Join ㉒Deconstruct Brep ㉓Closest Point ㉔Fillet Edge ㉕Divide Curve ㉖Line ㉗Project ㉘Negative ㉙Offset Curve ㉚List Length ㉛Mass Addition ㉜Random ㉝Partition List ㉞Multiplication ㉟Vector 2Pt ㊱Interpolate ㊲Ruled Surface ㊳MD Slider ㊴Evaluate Surface ㊵Extrude
